Hardt, Stern & Kayne, P.C.’s attorneys are “business” lawyers — including our litigators. These lawyers possess decades of experience in mediating, arbitrating, and litigating disputes.
These disputes can be between companies, between companies and employees, or between the owners of single company. We forge a working partnership with clients to provide efficient and economical result-oriented litigation services.
Our litigators have successfully represented clients in contract actions, defense of consumer claims, fraud claims, employment discrimination actions, unfair competition lawsuits, as well as claims involving real estate purchases and sales, leases, and trust disputes.
Whether it is representing a plaintiff or defendant, our aim is always to keep the client’s range of concerns front and center. It does little good to win a case, but cost the client in time, fees and expenses more than was achieved in the litigation. We approach litigation not only to win the case in court, but also to win the case in the business arena for clients. This approach includes working hard to achieve a prompt and effective resolution without the cost and delay of a court proceeding if possible. But if litigation reveals as the best course, then our lawyers are ready to fight in court for our clients.